HOOPS Exchange is a CAD data conversion toolkit that can read and write more than 30 mainstream CAD and 3D file formats through a single interface without relying on any CAD system, and supports export including IGES, STEP, JT 9.5, 3MF and Parasolid and other standard formats, using multi-threaded loading processing technology, the loading time is 8 times faster than other SDKs on average, and has helped Adobe, Siemens, GrabCAD and other customers achieve commercial success. Click the blue text below to learn more about the product .
The update status of HOOPS Exchange 2023 is as follows:
1. Format update
In this update, we first provide timely format updates for the native CAD and standard formats to ensure that applications being developed with HOOPS can access the latest versions. Since the latest service pack release (HE 2022 SP2), we have released 1 update format:
- Revit 2023
HOOPS Exchange (HE 2023 U1) will support the following formats in the next update (expected release mid-February 2023):
- Parasolid 35.0
- Solid Edge 2023
HE 2023 U2 will support NX2212 in mid-March update
2. Support glTF Clearcoat
HOOPS Exchange2023 provides developers of consumer and industrial design applications with enhanced photorealistic display of 3D object graphics in man-made and natural environments, while adding support for glTF MaterialClearcoat, which can be built on solid materials or finishes Cover model to show gloss, reflection and color depth, click on the video below to view details .
3. Enhanced format support
(1) Creo
- Enhanced support for flex components
CREO components can be defined as “flexible” elements in the context of assembly. A flexible component supports different properties to suit the assembly position (ie: a spring can have a specific length and position). Flexible elements were supported in older versions of Exchange, and the 2023 release introduces enhancements that improve model fidelity by supporting more defined situations and positions. Note that for flex assemblies to be read as Brep models, the version of CREO must be 4 or higher.
- Support for external files (Creo components referencing native files from other CAD formats (eg CV5, STEP))
HOOPS Exchange 2023 now supports these external components to improve the read process and ensure that all components are accessible.
(2) Inventor
- Support for Assembly Pressed Parts
Extruding components from assemblies is a common design practice. In older versions of HOOPS Exchange, there was support for reading pressed components, extra components that were not required for loading and display.
- Coordinate system support
A coordinate system defined in a part is used to help define references intended for use in downstream manufacturing applications. Retrieving the coordinate system helps these applications benefit directly from existing information without manually recreating them.
- Support physical materials
Support for physical materials (material name, material density, Poisson’s ratio, and Young’s modulus) helps applications involved in analysis and manufacturing access critical information directly from native CAD parts without manually recreating them.
Accessing K-factors from native CAD models enables sheet metal applications to generate unfolded parts from the designed model, followed by cutting and bending programs. Previously, SOLIDWORKS parts supported K-factors, this improvement introduces support for more on how K-factors are defined.
4. Increase support for other platforms
HOOPS Exchange 2023 now supports Visual Studio 2019, protecting partners using the HOOPS product suite as the technology stack evolves. This update allows partners to adopt modern compiler and language features, such as C++-17, in the standard compiler for the Windows TM platform.